Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Sketch A Day

Here's a new goal I have set for myself : A sketch a day!!

I've realized that I have a long long way to go in finding my own style. Even through I did grow up drawing and joining art competitions, I never really got the opportunity to discover my own taste. All the while, I've been spoon fed on what type of style to draw. I've tried different mediums and applying them to sketching, doodling, still life art. However, I seem to be all over the place. I believe that each artist has his own style in his work. I want someone to look at my piece and say, "Ah! I'm sure it's Princess who drew that!". I've got a looooong way to go, but it's a start. I bought a blank blank sketchbook and I'm excited to fill all those pages up with stories and colors! Keeping my fingers crossed that I'll keep by word and be consistent with my new goal!

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