Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Currently #1

As you can see from my happiness list, I am really fond of lists. Being organized, arranging thoughts, and putting everything into place are sorta my thing. Here's a list of tid bits that is currently happening in my mundane life :)

Reading Mark Zusak's The Book Thief. I've been reading this book and I can't seem to find the time to finish it though. The book indeed gave justice to its award winning title, and I plan to finish the story before the month ends. Random trivia: a movie based on the book will be coming out soon!!

Feeling drained. Maybe because of the lack of sleep.

Loving weekends with my brother.  Like I said, my brother has been working here for 3 years now so I didn't really have much contact with him except through annual family outings during december and facebook chat. Despite of our 8 year age gap, my brother and I seem to get along really really well and I feel blessed to have him around. *cheeseballs* He's been a great pal by listening to my rants about school, tolerating my random surge of energy, and bearing my unpredictable hunger hehehe. On weekdays, he comes home late from work and I'm usually busy in doing my projects. We take the weekends off to go out and try new food or watch movies, and these weekends have been such a pleasure.

Needing healthier choices. These past few weeks have made its toll on me. Lack of sleep and unbalanced diet ( *ahem* overdose *ahem* of *ahem ahem* fried chicken) really drained me and I've been having weird headaches. So I'm planning to sleep earlier and fix my body clock! Make time to run too and to eat more veggies!!

Planning to draw for myself.  To be honest, I haven't been drawing lately and shame shame, I'm studying in an arts school majoring in Illustration!! I guess I've been too lax lately and I just prioritize in finishing my projects alone. I promiseeee, yes, pinky swear, that I'll have better time management. I'll start sketching and drawing just for me, especially since I don't even know what my style is yet. hurrahhh let's do this!!

Wishing for my best friends to fly over here from the Philippines even just for a day or even an afternoon with me. I miss them dearly, I miss the not-so-funny jokes, the annoying laughs, the current updates, the teasing.

Feeling loved. :)

Wanting a cup of tea & a slice of strawberry short cake

Wearing  what I wore since I left the house this morning and it is 12:25 am already...okay, I'll have to change into my jammies.

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