Thursday, August 8, 2013

Inspiration Blog

photo above: archive of my inspirational blog

" I am seeking. I am striving. I am in it with all my heart." - Vincent Van Gogh

A good reminder from the famous Van Gogh himself, yeah? Vincent Van Gogh, if you've never heard of his name, is a famous post-impressionist painter. You may have seen one of his most famous works, Starry Starry Night, in a postcard. see photo below

Van Gogh started to draw as a child and eventually decided to become an artist. In just a span of a decade, he was able to accomplish more than 2,000 artworks. Amazing, isn't it? His passion for creating pieces was so strong that he never seem to grow tired of it. I actually researched about his life and I found it really interesting. How he coped up with his mental illness, emotional obstacles, and life experiences through art is really something to ponder on. You can read more about his life here and here 

There are always days when I just feel meh, the feeling of not being in the mood for anything. More often than not, those days would always bring down. I don't want to do anything, but I feel bad for not achieving anything either. It's like PMS-ing on a regular day, and it feels pretty crappy if you've run out of mojo. Inspired by Van Gogh, I plan to seek knowledge where ever I go, even through the simplest means of researching, reading, and even having intellectual conversation with people. I plan to strive for excellence by giving more effort and time. By simply putting my heart into the things I do, I'm sure that I'll be able to go far and this doesn't just apply to my learning for the arts, but also to every other aspect of my life as well.

I've made a blog where I post different artworks from various artists in the creative industry. The blog contains pieces that I gather inspiration from and I hope you can check it out too!

CLICK HERE. oh, feel free to follow too!

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