Monday, August 5, 2013

Hello there

"In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take." - unknown

Here I am, starting all over. I took a huge risk, made a lot of sacrifices. My heart beating fast with fear and excitement when I think about it. I just can't believe it that I'm here. Right here, right now, and I'm on this adventure.

It's been my third week in Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts and things finally have been sinking in. I'm currently taking Illustration Design with Animation. For this semester, I've been taking drawing fundamentals, 2D & 3D Fundamentals, Creative Thinking and Introduction to Visual Arts, a daily reminder that I'm really pursuing Fine Arts as my career path. This is it, and it's amazing.

The offer from NAFA was unexpected, it was just last April when I decided to take it. I gave up my major in Business Management in one of the top universities in my country, I left my family and friends behind, I simply took a leap of faith. Sometimes I do wonder whether the choice whether what I did was the right one, but what the heck right? I am here now. Ever since I was a kid, I dreamed of working for Disney Pixar, I dreamed of drawing book covers and walls. I grew up browsing magazines and advertisements, saying, "Damn, one day I'll be an artist." However, I got discouraged as I grew when I often hear people say that I'll just end up being a starving artist. But hey, you've never heard of a starving businessman/ accountant/ engineer, right? I was already happy and settled last year. Friends, academics, organizations, family. I was on top of my world. I choose to set aside those things for pursue this path and yes, I'm scared, but excited as well. Cheers to my journey ahead!

Here I am and here I go. Hello there my friend, I'm Princess.

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