Thursday, August 8, 2013

What's up, ketchup

Selamat Hari Raya! Happy Singapore Independence Day! Happy Long Weekend!

Thank God for long weekends! Four days of rest and catching up time with a lot of homework! As the weeks pass by, our lessons and assignments get more intense and we happen to have our work load pile up. So thankfully, I got to have four days to catch up with my projects, rest, and actually get to spend some quality time with my loved ones. hoorahhhh!! so here's a short summary of how I spent my lovely weekend:

My brother and I practically woke up around 11 am that day because we've spent a couple of all-nighters during the past few days to watch movies, skype with friends, play candy crush, do work. We suddenly had an urge to eat Indian food so we went to Little India and tried out one of their restaurants there. That was my first time to try other Indian food other than roti pratha and curry, and surprisingly i like it! quite different to the tastes that I'm used to, but very very yummy nonetheless! Afterwards, we spent the rest of the afternoon in the gym and ended the day by....*drumroll please* eating again!! We discovered one chinese restaurant near our place. The day was short, but we went to bed with our happy tummy. hihi

On friday, my brother and I went to Jurong East to meet up with our uncle and his family. We spent all afternoon staying at their place, eating home-cooked meals. Oh how I miss home-cooked meals. The things I would do just to eat my mom's cooking again! Actually, that time inspired me to learn cooking on my own and I would gladly share my cooking adventures here too! yayy.

I spent my saturday with the two girls I met in the NAFA Freshman Orientation. The one wearing red pants is Amanda, and the one wearing shorts is Doris! I haven't really been out during weekends, so this saturday out with the girls is something I've been looking forward to. We had lunch together and eventually spent all afternoon hanging out along the Marina Sky Gardens. Along the way, we had a photo walk and took pictures of architecture, infrastructures, patterns, or any artworks that caught our eye. I'll eventually upload some of the pictures soon enough!

Sunday is probably my most favorite day of the week, next to friday. I spent my morning attending church service and had my usual lunch with my brother! We had japanese food for lunch and I LERRRVVVV SUSHI RAMEN UDON SOBA AND EVERYTHING JAPANESE FOOD!!! and I spent the remaining afternoon doing my homework and finishing up this blog entry.

So there you have it! My 4 day long weekend summarized in few sentences. And..right now, I am currently skyping with a good good friend of mine in the Philippines. What better way to end a lovely weekend,yeah? till here for now then hihi, I hope you had a good weekend too! Goodnight!


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