Monday, September 16, 2013

8 Weeks & counting

It is midnight and the tutorial week is officially over. I honestly cannot believe that it has been 8 weeks already! This tutorial week was what I needed to pick myself up. I didn't only had the time to catch up with some homework, but I was able to spend time to my brother and mother as well. Most importantly, I was able to spend more time with myself and reflect about life basically. Here's a lil gist of my scattered thoughts:
  • Use time wisely. I should stop staying in at home for too long. (cessy the hermit) I've recently discovered that there are a lot of hidden nice locations around the nooks & crooks of Singapore and I'm planning to visit them one by one, most of them are just thrift shops and vintage cafes. I can't wait to check them out since I love traveling and discovering new places!
  • Positive in and negative out! I've been down in the dumps lately and I gotta focus more on the brighter side of the picture! Look around and be thankful, because you are blessed and loved :)
  • Working hard is key and there is no shortcuts! I plan to start my Week 8 right and continue it. I have to give my best to get the results I want, no matter how hard it will be.
  • Make more plans, keep moving and stop slacking.
  • A little indulgence wouldn't hurt, it's good for you. So I plan to get myself a massage and some mani-pedi soon to refresh myself up!
Here's to the little adventures,yes? So excited for the classes to start again because I get to see my classmates! I'm ecstatic on learning more and drawing more too!

P.S. That's a picture of a yuuuummyyyyy banana split I shared with my brother yesterday! A happy picture to celebrate the tutorial week & a good good start of the wonderful weeks ahead!

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